This is an unofficial demo of Dock Ock's arms in VR, independently controllable for use of grappling, climbing & more.

The visuals of the arms as an instanced series of meshes rather than a premade model was the predominant mission for this project, as my modeling capacities were limited. I made a series of individual meshes which stretch, turn, and move in world space which get their positions calculated in staggered frames. For 4 arms of 30+ segments, lag became a serious issue so optimizations with staggered calculations and estimating the next positions were a must to progress. In the end, I was able to achieve a reliable 60 FPS from a 10-15 FPS pre-optimizations.

The arms' idle movements are calculated off of a series of bezier curves, in which each link in the chain snaps into its respective place equidistant along the curve. This skirted around the issue of intense inverse kinematics by allowing the segments to find their place via a simple function.

The grappling physics posed a challenge both in technical implementation and in practical usage to keep the player from becoming sick from movements. The solution I settled on was a relatively slow and steady movement system where the player moves in absolute directions rather than relative to grounded arms.